Türkçe izleyicilerin dikkatine: DonanımHaber forumundaki bağlantıyı kullanarak aradığınız oyunun Türkçe yamasına ulaşabilirsiniz ➡ Видео A Wife and Mother (v0.09) | Full Game Walkthrough | Download for PC & Android канала BunkyBella Thanks for everything, you can write which game see you want! ❤ ❤ If you love my videos, you can like, share and subscribe. I am trying to find alternative solutions. If you like these images you can try it yourself by downloading the game. Now I only include in-game visuals in the videos. 👉 Because Youtube is blocking it very quickly. Also you can come to our Discord channel for download the games, comics, etc. If there is a link that is not working, please let me know. 👉👉 You can download the games for free by clicking on the links in the description! Links are only shorten-url services. ❗❗ IF YOU WANT SEE OLD VERSION'S CONTENTS, BE SURE TO CHECK PLAYLIST! ❗❗